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Enhancing Solar Energy Harvesting with Solar Trackers

March 26, 2024
Solar MaXX solar tracker before sunset


Solar energy is a renewable and clean source of power that has gained significant popularity in recent years. One of the ways to maximize the efficiency of solar energy systems is by using a solar tracker. In this blog post, we will explore how using a solar tracker can enhance the process of harvesting solar energy.

What is a Solar Tracker?

A solar tracker is a device that follows the movement of the sun throughout the day, ensuring that solar panels are always positioned at the optimal angle to receive maximum sunlight. It uses sensors and motors to adjust the position of the panels, allowing them to track the sun's path from east to west.

Increased Energy Output

One of the primary benefits of using a solar tracker is its ability to increase the energy output of a solar energy system. By continuously adjusting the position of the solar panels, a solar tracker can ensure that the panels are always perpendicular to the sun's rays, maximizing the amount of sunlight they receive.

Studies have shown that solar trackers can increase energy output by up to 40% compared to fixed solar panels. This means that a solar tracker can generate significantly more electricity from the same amount of sunlight, making it a highly efficient solution for harvesting solar energy.

Optimal Angle for Sunlight

The position of the sun changes throughout the day, and the angle at which sunlight hits the Earth varies accordingly. Solar trackers are designed to adjust the angle of the solar panels to match the sun's position, ensuring that they are always at the optimal angle for maximum sunlight absorption.

Fixed solar panels, on the other hand, are installed at a fixed angle and cannot adjust to the changing position of the sun. This means that fixed panels may not always receive sunlight at the ideal angle, resulting in a lower energy output compared to solar trackers.

Utilizing More Daylight Hours

Another advantage of using a solar tracker is the ability to utilize more daylight hours for solar energy production. As the sun moves across the sky, fixed solar panels can only capture sunlight for a limited period each day when the sun is directly facing them.

With a solar tracker, the panels can continuously adjust their position to face the sun, allowing them to capture sunlight for a longer duration. This extended exposure to sunlight increases the overall energy production of the system and maximizes the utilization of available daylight hours.

Adapting to Weather Conditions

Solar trackers can also adapt to changing weather conditions, further enhancing their efficiency in harvesting solar energy. When clouds or shading occur, the sensors in the solar tracker can detect the decrease in sunlight and adjust the position of the panels accordingly.

This adaptability ensures that the solar panels are always positioned to receive the maximum amount of sunlight, even in less-than-ideal weather conditions. As a result, solar trackers can maintain a higher energy output compared to fixed panels, which are unable to respond to changes in sunlight availability.


Using a solar tracker is a highly efficient way to harvest solar energy. By continuously adjusting the position of the solar panels to face the sun, solar trackers can significantly increase energy output, utilize more daylight hours, and adapt to changing weather conditions. Incorporating a solar tracker into a solar energy system can enhance its efficiency and make it a more reliable and effective source of renewable energy.

Pre-Order the Solar MaXX Solar Tracker

Estimated to ship by late Summer 2024 

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